The Fighting Dragons Studio is a Kung Fu Studio in Beijing run by Master Li. It is featured in the 2010 film, The Karate Kid.
Not much is known about the studio's origin. It can be presumed that Master Li is the founder. At some point, Cheng and his friends started attending the studio where the former began to excel as their top student.
The Karate Kid (2010)[]
Dre goes to check out the studio since he wants to learn how to defend himself. He learns that Cheng and his friends attend the studio so he decides not to go there. Mr. Han takes Dre to the studio to make peace. Master Li wants a fight but Mr. Han proposes to settle things at the upcoming Kung Fu tournament and that his students do not attack him until the tournament so that he is given time to train. Master Li reluctantly agrees.
The students compete at the tournament. Dre manages to beat the lesser skilled students. Master Li then asks Liang to injure him which gets him disqualified. Dre comes back healed and ready to fight Cheng in which he beats him and wins the tournament. Now finally realizing Li's true nature, all the Fighting Dragons students bow to Mr. Han and accept him as their new master.
Master Li teaches his students the following principle.
- No Pain
- No Weakness
- No Mercy
Master Li’s philosophy is: “We do not stop when our enemy is down! No mercy... no mercy in the studio... no mercy in competition... no mercy in life! Our enemies deserve pain!”
Not much is known about their training methods other than it is known to be extremely aggressive. Master Li also tends to physically abuse his underperforming students.
Fighting Style[]
Their combat is more offense based rather than focusing on defense. According to Mr. Han this is not real Kung Fu and says that Master Li is just "a bad man teach them very bad things!"
- The Cobra Kai Dojo is the original counterpart to the Fighting Dragons Studio. They both believe in a more aggressive and offense based fighting style along with not showing mercy to the opponent. It also has some similarities to the Alpha Elite too.