The Karate Kid Wiki
The Karate Kid Wiki

"The Alpha Elite... it's like a championship football team. That's what this school's known for."
Eric McGowen to Julie Pierce[src]

The Alpha Elite is a shady Boston high school fraternity. They are a JROTC-style program led by Paul Dugan, that focuses on school security. Mostly they have the police on their side.

The Alpha Elite, along with Dugan, are the main antagonists of The Next Karate Kid. It was dissolved after Miyagi beat Dugan at the docks; the members finally saw Dugan’s true colors and left the organization, causing it to be shut down for good.



Much like the Fighting Dragons Studio & Cobra Kai, Alpha Elite's training is aggressive in nature. Not just in their skills, but in their attitude. Since Alpha Elite are school security, they use unnecessary force for even the most mundane problems. For example, to combat littering, the Alpha Elite Student must force the culprit to pick up said litter and eat it.

The Bullring[]

One of the most well known training exercises of the Alpha Elite. Colonel Dugan, plays the role of the bull, who aggressively defends the ring. While the students surround the ring and try to force the bull out by any means necessary.
